
Peter's Special Guide
to Websites


Looking for a summer music camp?

Keep these fine camps in mind. . .

American Banjo Camp

Port Orchard, WA
Thursday to Sunday
after Labor Day
in early September
ABC logo ABC – 5-String Banjo, Fiddle, Guitar, Mandolin, & Bass classes, concerts, & jams in the Pacific Northwest!
Designed for adults of all ages.

Northeast Heritage
Music Camp

Starksboro, Vermont
A different camp experience
that goes beyond learning tunes

NHMC logo Northeast Heritage Music Camp (NHMC) celebrates and promotes the acoustic music and folk dance traditions of New England and eastern Canada, along with related traditions from Scotland, Ireland, England, Wales, France, the southeastern United States, and other parts of the world.

Walker Creek
Music Camp

West Marin County, CA
Held at the beautiful Walker Creek Ranch
near the SF Bay Area

Walker Creek Music Camp logo For students of all ages who love to play and sing Traditional American Music! Bluegrass, Oldtime, and other related styles.

Links to other interesting camps
and music-related organizations.


The PSGW website used to be the website for the Puget Sound Guitar Workshop. It was the website for the camp from the early days of the internet right up to a Board of Directors coup in 2018 or so. The PSGW website was created, maintained, and cared for throughout by Peter Langston.

At the time of the coup, directors appear to have teamed up with one of the two people who actually ran the camp (known as "Coordinators") to oust the other Coordinator, and did so surprisingly with no stated reason. Some feel it was a case of nepotism. Others speculate that it was a combination of ageism, sexism, and sexual preference-ism that led to the ouster of an older straight male; perhaps inspired by the "me, too" movement. I don't suppose we'll ever know the answer. We do know that one of the people who from day one of the camp had helped create the camp that we all knew and loved was lied to, manipulated, and then unceremoniously dumped. Unfortunately many other people who would have been sympathetic were also lied to, which resulted in a general cult-like shunning of the ousted Coordinator.



Seattle, 2020  —  Now that the Coronavirus Pandemic has shut down events like the Puget Sound Guitar Workshop it probably matters less what sneaky tactics led to the disappointing showing of the camp in 2019. And it also probably matters less that the location of the camp be kept secret and that the various restrictive rules about the camp, like a prohibition of video recording, be honored. Of course those rules weren't always strictly followed in any event. For example, in 2018 two separate people made videos of a student concert performance by John Miller, Tristan Scroggins, Peter Langston, and Chuck Ervin playing a tune that Peter wrote called "Ricochet Ride." Here's one of those videos...

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